Last weekend, Luminalt spoke with Green Drive Expo attendees about how to pair electric vehicles with a solar system. Luminalt talked with everyone from electric vehicle enthusiasts to people who are just beginning to think about making the transition. Held at the Craneway in Richmond, California, the event was sponsored by numerous electric vehicle manufacturers.

Also in attendance was Pat’s Garage, a local garage that specializes in hybrids. Several years ago, Pat and his team converted Luminalt’s own Prius to a battery backup so that it could charge off of solar.

Electric vehicles are a fantastic way to cut down on gas emissions. However, as Luminalt’s CEO Jeanine Cotter recently said to the press(see Jeanine speak at 1:47), solar should be paired with electric vehicles “so that we don’t replace the tailpipe with a smokestack that’s polluting someplace else.”

Electrical vehicles in San Francisco charge up for free through 2013 off of clean hydroelectric energy from our very own Hetch Hetchy!

Read about how Jason paired his Nissan LEAF with a solar electric system from Luminalt.

Questions about how you can make the switch? Contact us!

Luminalt gets ready to answer questions about pairing EVs with PV