415-641-4000 info@luminalt.com

Referral Program

Tell your friends, neighbors, family and co-workers about your Luminalt solar system and receive a $250 check or donation in your honor for each referral that installs a Luminalt solar system larger than 2kW.

Is there a limit to the number of people I can refer?

No! There is no limit to the number of people you may refer or the number of payments you may receive. However, due to the reporting obligations, any individuals receiving more than two payments (or greater than $600) per year will receive a 1099 from Luminalt.

How will I know if my referrals sign a contract?

Please tell your friends to mention your name when they contact Luminalt for a quote so that we know you referred them. Luminalt can only offer one $250 referral fee per client. Occasionally, multiple people will tell us that they referred the same person. In that case, we will contact everyone involved to figure out how to proceed – we are always happy to split the referral amount between several people.

When do I get  my check?

Once the person you referred signs a contract with Luminalt, we’ll cut you a check!

To which organizations may  I donate my referral payment?

If you prefer, Luminalt will donate your payment(s) to a local non-profit organization. Select from our favorites below or let us know if you have a specific organization in mind.

Green Empowerment – Partnering with rural communities in the developing world to implement renewable energy and water systems that alleviate poverty and preserve the environment.

Grid Alternatives – Empowering communities in need by providing renewable energy and energy efficiency services, equipment, and training.

Project Open Hand — Providing food and nourishment to improve the quality of life for men, women, and children of San Francisco and Alameda County.


The Fine Print

If the referred person participates in an alliance, community pricing, or other discount program, or if the customer is already in our database prior to referral, we are unable to offer the referral fee. If you hold a contractor’s license in the state of California, Luminalt is prohibited under state law and the Business and Professions Code (7157D) from furnishing you with referral payment.