Eight weeks flew by and now my time at Luminalt has come to an end. Coming in, I didn’t know what to expect working at a solar company– my knowledge of solar panels was basic and I had not heard of half the conservation incentives and policies Luminalt uses to help people go solar. Now, at the end of my internship, I know that solar electric offsets an electricity bill whereas solar hot water typically offsets a gas bill; PG&E’s charges electricity according to afive-tier rate structure; and when customers produce more electricity than they use, their electricity meter spins backwards and PG&E actually pays them!

In addition to learning a lot about the solar industry, I thoroughly enjoyed working here. I loved working at an office where I was not merely a head burrowed into a cubicle, but instead I was surrounded by colleagues who are kind and fun to work with. A huge undertaking of my internship was updating Luminalt’s Solar Installations map. Over the course of my internship, I added over 350 project markers along with client testimonialsand photographs. The map allows people to see where we have installed, what our installations look like, and what customers had to say. It was engaging to look at the wide variety of installations Luminalt has completed and I also got to brush up on my geographic knowledge of the Bay.

Luminalt installer Lalo took summer intern Alison up on her neighbor’s roof to land panels 

The morning before my last day in the office, I left my house and spotted the bright logo of a Luminalt truck at the house next door. Could this be– a ride to work? A girl can dream, but Luminalt was actually installing solar panels at my neighbors’ house! I was excited to see the truck and knew my neighbors made the right decision by choosing Luminalt. The following day, the last of the internship, I had the chance to go on the roof and help the installers! I assisted Alan and Lalo in transporting solar panels across the roof. Going onto the roof to witness an installation was a fitting way for me to end my internship as I transition to joining the work field.

I am glad I was given the opportunity to work at such a wonderful company and hope to share all that I have learned.