Golden Gate Electric Vehicle Association andSustainable San Rafael are co-sponsoring a presentation on the impact of the mining of the Alberta Tar Sands, the source of oil for the Keystone XL pipeline. The event will be held at 7:30 PM on January 23, 2013 at Unitarian Universalist Church in San Rafael at 240 Channing Way. Garth Lenz, internationally- renowned, environmental photo-journalist and fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers, will present his award-winning presentation “The True Cost of Oil: Images of Beauty and Devastation.” The Alberta Tar Sands hold the planet’s largest oil reserves outside of Saudi Arabia, but are located beneath Canada’s boreal and temperate forests. Garth Lenz’s photographs document the destruction of these ecosystems, and speak to the destructive impacts of our addiction to fossil fuels.

Garth Lenz’s TED Talk on the Tar Sands can be watched below: 

Suggested donation is $10-$15, no one turned away for lack of funds.
If you would like to volunteer for the event, including set up, directing parking, and EV drivers who can shuttle attendees from an auxiliary parking area to the event, please send an email to

EV charging will be available. Email info@ggeva.or for details.


Images courtesy Garth Lenz