415-641-4000 info@luminalt.com

PG&E is currently interconnecting solar systems under NEM 2.0. The CPUC adopted its final NEM 3.0 decision on December 15th, 2022. Residential customers that have submitted an interconnection application that is free of major deficiencies to PG&E on or before April 13th, 2023 will be permitted to take service under NEM 2.0. Those customers do NOT have to be installed before April 13th, 2023. Rather, the CPUC allows for up to 3 years for systems to be installed and final signed off permits be submitted from the date the interconnection application was submitted. See pages 197 through 200 of the final decision to read the actual CPUC language.

Systems that are interconnected to PG&E’s grid under the current NEM 2.0 and the prior NEM 1.0 remain protected for the original 20 years.

As more information is released by the CPUC and PG&E, we will update this information.”