415-641-4000 info@luminalt.com

A builder chooses solar for savings

Project Type:
Builder solar project

For Tom, a developer in the Bay Area, quality is everything. After spending time with a number of solar contractors, Tom chose to partner with Luminalt. He found that Luminalt uses the best products and installation practices, making for beautiful and highly efficient systems.

Tom did his research and learned that Luminalt’s President Noel Cotter had more experience than anyone else in the Bay Area. Luminalt employees have decades of solar experience with hundreds of installations and numerous certifications.

Having excellent solar exposure on all of his projects thus far, solar made good economic sense and Luminalt has made it easy and seamless. “Luminalt is an independent contractor that gets the job done. With no problems. Ever.” says Tom.

The know-how of the Luminalt team translated to a hassle-free installation on several projects. Every step along the way was handled by trained staff who are experts in the processes of not just installing a top-notch solar array, but also in navigating the complex waters of federal, state, and city rebates. Tom has not had to worry about anything with respect to details or follow up and can count on Luminalt for outstanding customer service, support and personalized attention before, during and after installation.



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July 14, 2020